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Feverfew for migraines

Migraines can be really debilitating! I've suffered from them on and off over the years, especially when I've been working on my computer for hours on end, having too much coffee and straining to check and edit print.

I get the vision interference symptoms called scintillating scotoma which is a flickering zigzagging in my vision, usually on one side of my vision.

As soon as I see things beginning to go like this I go out and pick three or four fresh Feverfew leaves and chew them slowly. They are a little bitter to the taste, but believe me, the taste is a small price to pay compared to a full-blown migraine. I find that it takes about ten minutes for symptoms to disappear and then I can get on with my work with a clear vision.

Research has shown that 70 % of patients using Feverfew experienced reduced migraines and 43% felt beneficial side effects including restful sleep and relief from arthritis. Refer:

Feverfew is very easy to grow, in fact I was told that in the USA it grows like a weed in some parts. So make sure it's in a sunny position with well-drained soil. Sow in spring or autumn in a medium size pot. It's a small bushy plant which grows to about 40cm high and you can harvest the leaves whenever you need to.

References: Feverfew Tanacetum parthenium:

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When the flower blooms, the bees come uninvited - Ramakrishana



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