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Autumn is coming...

It's been a difficult summer for the herbs on my balcony this summer. First we've had gale force South Easterly winds, then we've had a serious drought for the entire summer and any watering had to be done using excess water collected in the shower.

Harvesting has been ongoing with the rocket plants providing a main ingredient for our pesto and the greek basil adding a nice spicy zing to our lunchtime salads.

Butterflies have come and gone, my favourite being the Citrus Swallowtail which fluttered past, took a sip or two and then moved on. Sadly there have been very few bees and only one or two dragonflies ....

So today I decided to finally clean up in preparation for winter, taking out the thyme which I think I overwatered (it feels like losing a dear friend) and thinned out the scrubby stalks which are left after much harvesting.

I'm putting in some spearmint, a lemon basil and a marjoram.

Here is the process ... newspaper on the table top; clean out the pots and fill with new soil, stones and bark in the bottom and tamp in the plantings. I've also given everyone a good watering with an organic seaweed fertiliser to see them through the coming chilly winds.

Here is the process .... it's a stunning day here in Simon's Town and hopefully everyone on my balcony is relaxed and happy!

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Tel : +27 (078) 753 2296 South Africa

When the flower blooms, the bees come uninvited - Ramakrishana



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